Wednesday, 4 February 2015

C32 CADs finalised; tooling commences. Running numbers needed.

Dear friends,
First of all, following an outstanding level of input from a significant number of renowned modellers and rail historians, we have signed off on the Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3D drawings for the low-frame 32 Class in HO scale. We want to thank all those contributors for their time and interest, especially those who spent hours researching and sending us photos and annotated drawings. This model is now as accurate as we can make it in the time available, and we have paid the bill for the tooling to commence.

We will be producing both major variations of the superheated 32 - the angled and curved footplate versions. Images of these from the final CAD drawings are included below.

Note that there are still compromises evident. This has to be a robust, electrically powered scale model, fit for years of service, and the limitations of plastic as a material, and whole injection moulding process, have meant some requests from modellers could not be accommodated. 

You can see, however in the images our solution to the major issue raised with us: that of the curved cutouts in the cylinder fronts, necessary to permit the loco to traverse 18"/450mm radius curves. The solution is to provide on the accessories sprue a glue-in piece perfectly fitted to the cutout - shown in red in the drawing. If your curves are greater than about  2 feet/600mm radius, simply superglue this into place to complete the cylinder front, and weather to taste.

We now need our second round of help from modellers.
Looking at the loco closely in the images, we want to know which loco numbers and liveries can be confirmed as accurate for the locos depicted. Pleased email us at info@ixionmodels with your selections, accompanied - PLEASE - by photographic evidence. If you have no way of reproducing a photo, please let us know where it can be found. We have access to virtually all of the known NSWGR photo publications, so can go looking, but you can save us hours of time by sending us images to support your selections.

We also plan to produce a number of locos with the original 'P' Class six-wheel tender. We have just a couple of photos of suitable locos from the Maitland and Campbelltown lines, and are desperate for more. Remember, they have to be low-framed locos, identifiable by the curved smokebox support saddle. Locos with the taller straight, angled smokebox saddle are high framed locos and their numbers are not correct for our model.

In the first run of locos, we are planning to run the liveries of plain 'service' black, black with red running plate valances and fully lined maroon as found on preserved 3265. Colour photos of these liveries would be most welcome.

If sales warrant a second run, we would be looking at the lined green livery and any others that can be confirmed with evidence.

Thanks, in anticipation, for your help, 

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